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Why Dealership Financing May Be A Better Choice Than A Bank

Why Dealership Financing May Be a Better Choice Than a Bank

Why Dealership Financing May Be A Better Choice Than A Bank

With many fantastic models to browse through and explore, we are confident that you will find a vehicle that suits your every requirement at Anderson Motors. You can contact us to get help during your vehicle search from our friendly associates, and they will gladly support you through the entire shopping and purchasing process.


What are the advantages of dealership financing?

You might find zero percent financing options through dealerships during some periods, which is never the case when financing a vehicle through a bank. Dealerships will also tend to work with you on the asking price, financing term, interest rate, and you are more likely to qualify with lower than ideal credit.

Why do dealers prefer financing?

Dealers prefer to finance vehicles because it allows them to provide customers with their dream vehicles even if they cannot or prefer not to pay for the entire purchase price in full. Another advantage of financing for dealers is that they get to make some money due to the interest charge.

How does financing from a bank differ from financing from a dealership?

A dealership is looking to sell a vehicle, making them more likely to accommodate payment terms and rates to get less than ideal credit customers approved. On the other hand, the bank is looking to finance a vehicle to earn interest off the financing payments, which means that they will only approve customers with credit scores that fit the bank's risk tolerance.

Financing Options

As you explore our excellent selection of vehicles and narrow your search to the model you wish to drive home in, we invite you to speak to our dealership's Finance Centre to discuss the available financing options and fill out a credit application.

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